Technical requirements for sponsored listings campaign creation


Beta product

This product is currently in beta. It may not be available to all Kevel customers, and features described may change before the product is generally available.

With Kevel Self-serve, you can empower your advertisers to create, manage, and report on their own sponsored listings campaigns.

With sponsored listings campaigns, advertisers select products to promote from your product catalog and target search keywords and/or categories. By choosing a budget and with a CPC bid or maximum bid, they are able to participate in a 1st or 2nd priced auction to compete for visibility among your sponsored listings placements.

When setting up your self-serve tool, your Kevel account team will work with you ensure that your Kevel ad server setup aligns with the technical requirements below.

Technical requirements

Selling sponsored listings campaigns via Kevel Self-serve currently requires the following campaign settings.

  • Selection method: Auction (first or second priced)
  • Pricing method: CPC
  • Creative & ad type: Ads must be created from Kevel Catalog.

Catalog requirements

Product table requirements

In order to enable your advertisers to create sponsored listings campaigns, you must maintain a product table in Kevel Catalog that stores items available for your advertisers to promote.

When advertisers create sponsored listings campaigns, the self-serve application will create ads from the products your advertiser chooses to promote.

Your product table must carry table type: kevel/products

In addition, the table must include the following data, search keys, and aliases:

(Name need not match)
Search key types supportedSearch key cardinalityAlias
(Name must match exactly)
How it's used in Kevel Self-serve
Brand or advertiser IDnumbersinglekevel/brand-idThis ID controls advertiser access to the relevant subset of your product catalog.

- When adding an advertiser to self-serve, you will specify 1 or more brand IDs associated with the advertiser.
- Users within that advertiser will only be able to view and promote items from your catalog that carry a brand ID associated with their advertiser.
Name of producttextsinglekevel/name- Advertisers see this name when selecting products to add to a campaign.
- When an advertiser views an existing campaign, they see this name in the list of products promoted on that campaign.
Product imageNo search key requiredNo search key requiredkevel/image- This should be a URL of a hosted image
- Advertisers see this image when selecting products to add to a campaign.
- When an advertiser views an existing campaign, they see this image in the list of products promoted on that campaign.
Product IDstring or numbersinglekevel/product-id- Advertisers see this ID when selecting products to add to a campaign.
- When an advertiser views an existing campaign, they see this ID in the list of products promoted on that campaign.
Brand nametext or stringsinglekevel/brand-name- Advertisers see and can filter by brand name when selecting products to add to a campaign.
refmany kevel/categoriesOnly required if you want to enable category targeting for your advertisers.

- Must be a ref to categories in a separate table.
- If provided, advertisers see the list of categories associated with a product when selecting products to add to a campaign.
- When category targeting is enabled, advertisers will be able to select which categories to target for each campaign. Only categories that pertain to the products they selected will be available for targeting.

Category table requirements

If you want to allow your advertisers to target based on categories, then you must also include a category table.


A category table is only required for self-serve if want advertisers to be able to target by category.

Your category table must carry table type: kevel/categories

In addition, the table must include the following data, search keys, and aliases:

(Name need not match)
Search key types supportedSearch key cardinalityAlias
(Name must match exactly)
How it's used in Kevel Self-serve
Category IDNo search key requiredNo search key requiredNo alias requiredThe category ID is generally used as the ref in the products table. However, category name can also be used.
Main category nametextsinglekevel/nameCategory names are displayed to advertisers in two ways:

- Advertisers see the list of categories associated with a product when selecting products to add to a campaign.
- When category targeting is enabled, advertisers see these category names on the category targeting step.
Category parent IDnumbersinglekevel/self-serve/parent-idUsed to display a category hierarchy to the advertiser at the category targeting step.
Category ancestor IDsNo search key required No search key requiredkevel/self-serve/ancestor-idsUsed to display a category hierarchy to the advertiser at the category targeting step.