Additional Ad Experiences


With Kevel you can build any type of native ad unit. Common ones include:

But maybe your standard native ad isn't ideal for you. Maybe you want to offer additional features that'll make your ad experience more interesting to advertisers.

We got you covered! Below are some innovative ideas to make your native ad units even better.


Have other creative ideas? Email [email protected] and we can add them to this page.

Video Ads

What: Short video ads (usually 15s or 30s) used in place of static images. For a better user experience, try avoiding autoplay videos. Instead, require the user to press play - or to hover over the video for a set amount of time before playing
Why: Research shows that users engage more with a brand after watching a video vs static image, so many advertisers like this ad format
Tracked Events: Views, pauses, viewed 25% through, viewed 75% through, etc
Keep in Mind: Serving a video file does require more implementation and hosting costs, so you'll want to charge more for these type of ads


Carousel Ads

What: These are ads that contain multiple images the user can swipe through
Why: If a picture is worth a thousand words...then why not add more pictures! Advertisers love being able to display more than one image with each ad


Companion Ads

What: Companion ads are when two or more of an advertiser's ads appear on the screen at the same time. For instance, you may have ad units in your feed, as well as on the right side of the screen. If you offer companion ads, an advertiser could buy both ads at the same time
Why: Simultaneous impressions maximize brand visibility for the advertiser, making it a more valuable offering


Session Takeovers

What: Occurs when an advertiser buys all available ad spots for the length of a user's session (all page views before exiting the site/app)
Why: For advertisers doing large product/movie releases, the idea of fully controlling the ad experience from start to finish has a lot of value

Audio Ads

What: Visual ads don't always make sense for audio-based services, such as streaming music apps, podcasts, and more. Audio ads - stitched into the listening experience - are often used instead. The two main use cases of audio ads are:

  1. Real-Time Listening - Based on what the user is listening to and other targeting permutations, an ad is inserted in-between songs/stories/etc
  2. Audio Downloads - Historically, it was tough for publishers who offered downloadable content - such as podcasts - to insert audio ads, since the ads would have to be included at time of download (and may be out-dated by the time the user listens). With Kevel's infrastructure, though, you can stitch dynamic ads into old podcasts (learn how PRX did it)

Why: Native ads should be unique to the publisher, and for audio-based services, audio ads will likely be the most engaging form of advertising


Looking to add native ad experiences like these to your site/app? Kevel's APIs provide the infrastructure to build what you see above. Reach out for more info.